
A way to standardize custom tools, and to keep everyone on the same Rust version.

Primary LanguageNixMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

WARNING: Do not play around with the host.name file by changing it's content. You are in for a world of pain if you do. Instead experiment with services and packages by adding them into your specific machine.


setup on nixos

$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:fractalide/infrastructure $ cd infrastructure $ echo -n "name_corresponding_to_a_machine_dot_nix" > host.name $ ./rebuild.sh test

... all okay?

$ ./rebuild



rebuild.sh will rsync your code in ./ to /etc/nixos/* protecting the hardware-configuration.nix, and private files/folders, whilst excluding folders/files such as .gitignore, .git, Session.vim etc.

The default option fed to nixos-rebuild is switch.. Other options that can be passed to rebuild.sh are:

  • ./rebuild.sh test which changes your current environment to what you have just configured, this environment does not survive power cycles. (It's highly advised to run ./rebuild.sh test until you're happy with your configuration. Then run ./rebuild.sh without arguments to make your system bootable to the current checkout git revision of deployment.)
  • ./rebuild.sh boot which will persist through a single power cycle.
  • please type man nixos-rebuild for more options.


This command pulls the latest patches applied to infrastructure, then updates the current nix-channel and runs rebuild.sh.

This command should be run once you are happy with commited changes to localhost. Typically one ssh'es into the remote machine and runs this command which will update that machine to the HEAD of the git master branch.


This file is mainly used to assist in the development of nixpkgs and submitting them upstream to the nixos community. Typically it will not be used for our day-to-day operations.

Description of folders:


Name a file in the /path/to/deployment/machines/<host.name>.nix. Then add profiles you want to the imports = [...] section constructing the machine. Machine specific configuration, such as encrypted harddisks, machine specific users etc. should be placed in this file.


Profiles are meant to construct generic features that can be plopped into a machine. Typical things that go in here are development environment configurations, vpn, database setups, etc. Profiles will include and configure services and packages. Thus a single, standardized configuration will be propagated across every machine that includes that particular profile.


These files are Fractalide's custom packages. They describe how to build the package and the dependencies needed for the build.