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DappTools Template

Template repository for getting started quickly with DappTools

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Building and testing

git clone https://github.com/gakonst/dapptools-template
cd dapptools-template
make test


Contracts can be deployed via the make deploy command. Addresses are automatically written in a name-address json file stored under out/addresses.json.

We recommend testing your deployments and provide an example under scripts/test-deploy.sh which will launch a local testnet, deploy the contracts, and do some sanity checks.

Environment variables under the .env file are automatically loaded (see .env.example). Be careful of the precedence in which env vars are read.

We assume ETH_FROM is an address you own and is part of your keystore. If not, use ethsign import to import your private key.

See the Makefile for more context on how this works under the hood

We use Alchemy as a remote node provider for the Mainnet & Rinkeby network deployments. You must have set your API key as the ALCHEMY_API_KEY enviroment variable in order to deploy to these networks


ETH_FROM=0x3538b6eF447f244268BCb2A0E1796fEE7c45002D make deploy-mainnet


ETH_FROM=0x3538b6eF447f244268BCb2A0E1796fEE7c45002D make deploy-rinkeby

Custom Network

ETH_RPC_URL=<your network> make deploy

Local Testnet

# on one terminal
dapp testnet
# get the printed account address from the testnet, and set it as ETH_FROM. Then:
make deploy

Installing the toolkit

If you do not have DappTools already installed, you'll need to run the below commands

Install Nix

# User must be in sudoers
curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh

# Run this or login again to use Nix
. "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh"

Install DappTools

curl https://dapp.tools/install | sh

DappTools Resources