
Check if an AMI family in a region has been updated, emit results as RSS

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Check if an AMI family in a region has been updated. Results are then emitted as an RSS feed.

Can place output RSS XML in either a folder or an S3 bucket (and optionally setting it to public-read ACL).

Environment variables

Name Description Default
DEBUG Enable debug output in log False
SLEEP_SECONDS Number of seconds to sleep between runs (set to 0 to run once) 86400
DB_TYPE Database type (sqlite or postgresql) sqlite
REGION Region we should report on eu-west-1
SSM_PATH SSM Path of AMI recommendation /aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux/recommended
ENABLE_SLACK Whether to use Slack announcements False
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL Slack webhook URL to emit messages to
DB_NAME sqlite: path of db file, postgresql: database name ami-rss.db
DB_HOST postgresql: hostname of database server
DB_USER postgresql: username to login as
DB_PASSWORD postgresql: password for login
FEED_FORMAT Feed format to output as (rss or atom) atom
BASE_URL (optional) Base URL of RSS output (blank will disable RSS output)
RESULTS_FOLDER URI of place to save RSS feed XML (path of s3:// URI) /tmp/
S3_SET_PUBLIC_ACL Set the S3 object for feed XML as public-read ACL False

aws policy for user/task

This is overly broad but the permissions model for GetParameters is really twitchy.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [