
This is a wrapped up version of nginx with openresty that will do extremely basic logging of request contents, including the body of POST requests.

I use it to diagnose request traffic for containers, but it should work as a general proxy as well.

The Lua code came from this gist primarily, though I already had the openresty setup previously: https://gist.github.com/morhekil/1ff0e902ed4de2adcb7a

Building Docker image

docker build -t fractos/diagnostics-proxy .

Proxy traffic going to another container

Replace the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
CONTAINER_NAME The Docker container name you wish to proxy
CONTAINER_PORT The port that the Docker container uses internally (not the one that Docker may map it to, the natural EXPOSE port)
PROXY_PORT The port that you want the proxy to be available as on your machine
docker run -t -i --rm \
  --env PROXY_TARGET=http://target:**CONTAINER_PORT** \
  --link **CONTAINER_NAME**:target \
  -p=**PROXY_PORT**:80 \

Proxy traffic going to another host

Replace the following placeholders:

Placeholder Description
TARGET_BASE_URI The base URI of the target you want to proxy, e.g. http://google.com, https://example.org,
PROXY_PORT The port that you want the proxy to be available as on your machine
docker run -t -i --rm \
  -p=**PROXY_PORT**:80 \