
Django messaging with channels 2.0

Primary LanguagePython

Django real time private messaging


  • Migrate the database

    $ docker-compose up migration
  • Create User models & relationships

    $ docker-compose run --rm web bash
    Python 3.6.3 (default, Dec 12 2017, 16:40:53)
    >>> # Create three users
    >>> alex = User.objects.create_user('alex', password='test')
    >>> jake = User.objects.create_user('jake', password='test')
    >>> bob = User.objects.create_user('bob', password='test')
    >>> # Make alex friends with jake and bob
    >>> alex.friends.add(jake, bob)
    >>> jake.friends.add(alex)
    >>> bob.friends.add(alex)
  • Run redis and the web application

    $ docker-compose up
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8000 on two web browsers (incognito + normal) and log in using the credentials created above


Tests are still a WiP. Plan to use selenium to confirm the appropriate users are recieving the right messages.

See: https://channels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/part_4.html

  • To run tests:
    $ docker-compose run --rm web pytest