#Blockchain API library (C#, v1)

An official .NET (C#) library for interacting with the Blockchain.info API.

###Getting started

The library requires at least .NET 4.0.

The recommended way to install and use the library is via NuGet:

PM> Install-Package BlockchainAPI

The library consists of the following namespaces:

###Error handling

All methods may throw exceptions caused by incorrectly passed parameters or other problems. If a call is rejected server-side, the APIException exception will be thrown. Other exceptions may also be thrown by the environment (e.g. no internet connection etc).

###Connection timeouts

It is possible to set arbitrary connection timeouts.

Info.Blockchain.API.HttpClient.TimeoutMs = 5000; // time out after 5 seconds

###Request limits and API keys

In order to prevent abuse some API methods require an API key approved with some basic contact information and a description of its intended use. Please request an API key here.

The same API key can be used to bypass the request limiter.