
Digital Asset Management PHP app

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Phraseanet 4.1 - Digital Asset Management application


Features :

  • Metadata Management (include Thesaurus and DublinCore Mapping)
  • RestFull APIS
  • Elasticsearch search engine
  • Multiple resolution assets generation

License :

Phraseanet is licensed under GPL-v3 license.

Documentation :


For development with Phraseanet API see https://docs.phraseanet.com/4.0/en/Devel/index.html

Installation :

You must not download the source from GitHub, but download a packaged version here :


And follow the install steps described at https://docs.phraseanet.com/4.0/en/Admin/Install.html

Phraseanet with Docker:


  • docker-compose >=v1.25.4
  • docker >=v18.01-ce

Note about elasticsearch container Check this link https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docker.html#docker-prod-prerequisites

Get started

You should review the default env variables defined in .env file. Use export to override these values.


export INSTALL_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=foo@bar.com

Using a env.local (custom .env)

It may be easier to deal with a local file to manage our env variables.

You can add your env.local at the root of this project and define a command function in your ~/.bashrc:

# ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
function dc() {
    if [ -f env.local ]; then
        env $(cat env.local | grep -v '#' | tr '\n' ' ') docker-compose $@
        docker-compose $@

Running the application

If you are not interested in the development of Phraseanet, you can ignore everything in .env after the DEV Purpose part.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Why this option -f docker-compose.yml? The development and integration concerns are separated using a docker-compose.override.yml. By default, docker-compose will include this files if it exists. If you don't work on phraseanet development, avoiding this -f docker-compose.yml parameters will throw errors. So you have to add this options on every docker-compose commands to avoid this inclusion.

You can also delete the docker-compose.override.yml to get free from this behavior.

Running workers

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm worker <command>

Where <command> can be:

  • bin/console worker:execute -m 2 (default)
  • bin/console task-manager:scheduler:run
  • ...

The default parameters allow you to reach the app with : http://localhost:8082

Use Phraseanet images from docker hub

Retrieve on Docker hub prebuilt images for Phraseanet.






To use them and not build the images locally, we advise to override the properties in file: env.local

# Registry from where you pull Docker images
# Tag of the Docker images


Pull images before launch docker-compose

Tag organisation on docker hub

latest : latest stable version

4.1.2 : Phraseanet version 4.1.2

4.1.1 : Phraseanet version 4.1.1


Development mode

The development mode uses the docker-compose-override.yml file.

You can run it with:

docker-compose up -d

The environment is not ready yet: you have to fetch all dependencies.

This can be made easily from the builder container:

docker-compose run --rm -u app builder make install install_composer_dev

Please note that the phraseanet image does not contain nor composer neither node tools. This allow the final image to be slim. If you need to use dev tools, ensure you are running the builder image!

Developer shell

You can also obtain a shell access in builder container:

docker-compose run --rm builder /bin/bash
# or
docker-compose run --rm builder /bin/zsh

In this container you will have the same libraries (PHP, Node, composer, ...) that are used to build images. Also you have utils for development like telnet, ping, ssh, git, ... Your $HOME/.ssh directory is also mounted to builder's home with your ssh agent.

Using Xdebug

Xdebug is enabled by default with the docker-compose.override.yml You can disable it by setting:


Remote host is fixed because of the subnet network from compose.

You need to configure file mapping in your IDE. For PhpStorm, you can follow this example:

PhpStorm mapping

Configure the Absolute path on the server to /var/alchemy/Phraseanet at the project root path (i.e. ~/projects/Phraseanet).

Xdebug on MacOS

You have to set the following env:


Don't forget to recreate your container (docker-compose up -d phraseanet)

Build images with plugins

Plugins can be installed during build if you set the PHRASEANET_PLUGINS env var as follows:


# You can optionally precise the branch to install
# If not precised, the main branch will be pulled

# Plugins are separated by semicolons

Prefer the HTTPS URL for public repositories, you will not be required to provide your SSH key.

If you install private plugins, make sure you export your SSH private key content in order to allow docker build to access the GIT repository: Also ensure you're using the SSH URL form (i.e: git@github.com:alchemy-fr/repo.git).

export PHRASEANET_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
# or if your private key is protected by a passphrase:
export PHRASEANET_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa -out /tmp/id_rsa_raw && cat /tmp/id_rsa_raw && rm /tmp/id_rsa_raw)

Try Phraseanet with Pre installed VM (deprecated)

You can also download a testing pre installed Virtual Machine in OVA format here :


With Vagrant (deprecated)

Development :

For development purpose Phraseanet is shipped with ready to use development environments using vagrant. You can easily choose betweeen a complete build or a prebuild box, with a specific PHP version.

git clone
vagrant up --provision

then, a prompt allow you to choose PHP version, and another one to choose a complete build or an Alchemy prebuilt boxes.


  • vagrant up --provision //// 5.6 ///// 1 >> Build an ubuntu/xenial box with php5.6
  • vagrant up --provision //// 7.0 ///// 1 >> Build an ubuntu/xenial with php7.0
  • vagrant up --provision //// 7.2 ///// 2 >> Build the alchemy/phraseanet-php-7.2 box
  • vagrant up --provision //// 5.6 ///// 1 >> Build the alchemy/phraseanet-php-5.6 box