
BS3 / BS4 Buttons for django with templatetags

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This application provides some simple template tags to insert buttons into templates.


Install application with pypi:

$ pip install django-buttons[fa5]  # Installs django-fontawesome5
$ pip install django-buttons[fa6]  # Installs django-fontawesome6

Add application to your INSTALLED_APPS:


BUTTONS_FONTAWESOME_VERSION = 4  # Use 5 to use fontawesome-5 as icon library

Use buttons in your templates

 {% load buttons_tags %}
{% btn_home %}

Buttons can have some parameters :

  • url: target url
  • title: displayed text
  • icon: fa aware name, ie. 'home' for fa-home
  • icon_position: Position of the icon, 'right', 'left' or 'none' (no icon displayed) ...

Enjoy !