
Watermarks for easy-thumbnails

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


put easy_thumbnails_watermark in INSTALLED_APPS


add the watermark preprocesor in your settings

from easy_thumbnails.conf import Settings as easy_thumbnails_defaults


and add 'WATERMARK': , to your thumbnail definition for easy_thumbnails.

'thumb': {
    'WATERMARK': {
        'image': 'main/img/logo.png',
        'opacity': 0.2,
        'scale': '40%',

And one of the following settings:

  • image - A path to an image in your static files folder

  • position - Specify the relative position in one of four image corners BR, BL,

    TR, and TL. These represent 'bottom-right', 'bottom-left', 'top-right', and 'top-left' respectively.

    Alternatively, you can use relative or absolute positioning for the watermark. Relative positioning uses percentages; absolute positioning uses exact pixels. You can mix and match these two modes of positioning, but you cannot mix and match relative/absolute with the corner positioning. When using relative/absolute positioning, the value for the position parameter is XxY, where X is the left value and Y is the top value. The left and top values must be separated with a lowercase x.

    If you wanted your watermark image to show up in the center of any image you want to watermark, you would use a position parameter such as position=50%x50% or even position=C. If you wanted the watermark to show up half-way between the left and right edges of the image and 100 pixels from the top, you would use a position parameter such as position=50%x100.

    Finally, you may tell the filter to generate a position for your watermark dynamically. To do this, use position=R.

  • opacity - This parameter allows you to specify the transparency of the applied watermark. The value must be an integer between 0 and 1, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. By default, the opacity is set at 0.5.

  • tile - If you want your watermark to tile across the entire image, you simply specify a parameter such as tile=1.

  • scale - If you'd like to have the watermark as big as possible on the target image and fully visible, you might want to use scale=F. If you want to specify a particular scaling factor, just use something like scale=1.43. Scale could also be a percentage of the smallest image, the one to be watermarked, dimension, for example '20%' would scale the watermark to be 20% of the smallest between width and height of the target image.

  • greyscale - If you want your watermark to be greyscale, you can specify the parameter greyscale=1 and all color saturation will go away.

  • rotation - Set this parameter to any integer between 0 and 359 (really any integer should work, but for your own sanity I recommend keeping the value between 0 and 359). If you want the rotation to be random, use rotation=R instead of an integer.

  • noalpha defaults to False, removes any alpha introduced with the watermark effect, useful to force a jpg image to remain the same, saving a lot of space, setting to True effectively converts any RGBA color space to RGB.

They defaults to watermark=False, position='C', opacity=100, scale=1, tile=False, greyscale=False, rotation=0


I copied various code from https://raw.github.com/codekoala/django-watermark and simply adapted for easy_thumbnails