
Convoy SDK for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convoy SDK for Python

This is the Convoy Python SDK. This SDK contains methods for easily interacting with Convoy's API. Below are examples to get you started. For additional examples, please see our official documentation at (https://convoy.readme.io/reference)


Install convoy-python with

pip install convoy-python

Setup Client

Next, import the convoy module and setup with your auth credentials.

from convoy import Convoy
convoy = Convoy({"api_key":"your_api_key", "project_id": "your_project_id"})

The SDK also supports authenticating via Basic Auth by defining your username and password.

In the event you're using a self-hosted convoy instance, you can define the uri as part of what is passed into the convoy's constructor.

convoy = Convoy({ "api_key": 'your_api_key', "uri": 'self-hosted-instance', "project_id": "your_project_id"})


Get all groups

(response, status) = convoy.group.all({ "perPage": 10, "page": 1 })

Create an Endpoint

An endpoint represents a target URL to receive events.

endpointData = {
    "url": "https://0d87-102-89-2-172.ngrok.io",
    "description": "Default Endpoint",
    "secret": "endpoint-secret",
    "events": ["*"],

(response, status) = convoy.endpoint.create({}, endpointData)
endpoint_id = response["data"]["uid"]

Sending an Event

To send an event, you'll need the uid we created in the earlier section.

eventData = {
    "endpoint_id": endpoint_id,
    "event_type": "payment.success",
    "data": {
      "event": "payment.success",
      "data": {
        "status": "Completed",
        "description": "Transaction Successful",
        "userID": "test_user_id808",

(response, status) = convoy.event.create({}, eventData)


pytest ./test/test.py


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.