
Auto-size Graphical EDitor DIMensions on open.

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3196

My portable computer is my primary workstation. I either use an external, high resolution monitor or its built-in screen, depending on where I am. I often use also someone else's monitors, when I'm working remotely. This forces me to change the graphical Vim editor dimensions for every location where I happen to be. Though not complicated, it's annoying. That's why I wrote this script/Vim auto-command that does the job instead. Just define the desired editor columns and lines for a given resolution, and MacVim will open at that size every time that the same resolution is detected.


    * User configurable: add as many output device resolutions and editor sizes as desired or needed
    * MacVim and gVim compatible
    * Works on OS X, Linux/Gnome, Linux/KDE, and Windows
    * Unobtrusive; set it up once and forget about it

No more dragging the window corners to resize. No more :set columns=128. Just open Vim and get to work!