Coding Challenge

Welcome to the Frame Coding Challenge!


The goal of this challenge is to showcase your ability to design and implement a simple React web app.

We expect you will spend approximately 1 to 3 hours on this project.

We are looking for solutions that deliver a balance of quality user experience, effective component design, and project organization.

Our team will conduct a careful review of your submission, and if your it meets our evalulation criteria, then we will use it to guide a code-review style technical session where we learn more about your design and implementation choices and discuss techniques you might apply on a larger and more complex project.

We value your time and appreciate your willingness to complete our code challenge. Thank you.

The Challenge

Your mission is to create a minimal single-page react app implementing a subreddit viewer. You will allow a user to enter a subreddit name, and then you will render the top entries of that subreddit stream.

For example, if I entered cats into your app I would see your novel display of the cats subreddit feed. Using the provided screens as inspiration, you'll need to build a set of React components to render the app. You'll also need to request a JSON feed, filter that data, and use the relevant fields.

Here's a potential layout for your app:


  • A new subreddit could be downloaded based on all changes to the input field, a timer, a submit button, or anything else you choose.
  • The site should display three comments at a time, providing pagination buttons (or another method) to move through the longer list.

Solution Format

Although this is a basic exercise, we'll be looking for simple, well-designed, and tested code in the submission.

Submit your solution by emailing a tarball archive to Please include a README with setup instructions, and any tests or other documentation you created as part of your solution.

Also, add the following info to your README:

  • What did you focus on to create a quality user experience?
  • What is your component design and project organization methodology?
  • How did you decide which technologies to use as part of your solution?
  • Are there any improvements you could make to your submission?
  • What would you do differently with more time?


All subreddits can be read by appending .json to the end of the url. So, the Cats subreddit at can be consumed as a json blob at A sample blob is provided as feed/sample.json.

A deployable solution should be built in a folder named dist with an entry point file of index.html.

Assets are provided in the assets folder.

The pages should also be usable (but not necessarily polished) on mobile devices.

You can assume that you do not have to support legacy browsers without features such as fetch or flexbox.


What language, framework, build tool... should I use?

You may use whatever you like as long as the solution is built using React.

What do I do if I have questions or find the instructions unclear?

Head over to our website and start a conversation with us right on the page. We'll get back to you right away if it's during business hours, otherwise feel free to send an email to

Useful Links