
WebGPU tools and utilities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FF GPU - Typescript Foundation Library

Copyright 2022 Frame Factory GmbH, Ralph Wiedemeier
License: MIT

Tools and Utilities for WebGPU

  • PipelineCache implements a cache for GPU objects including shader modules, bind group layouts, pipeline layouts, render and compute pipelines.
  • Surface prepares a HTMLCanvasElement as a target for WebGPU rendering and provides helper methods for resize, etc.
  • ComputePipelineBuilder helps creating compute shader with uniform parameters and bindings.
  • TextureLoader provides methods for creating textures from image URLs and HTML image, video, and canvas elements.
  • TexturePool provides a pool of recyclable textures.
  • UniformBuffer manages a buffer of uniform parameters and the corresponding bind group layout and shader struct declaration.
  • MipmapGenerator uses a compute shader to generate texture mip levels.
  • GaussianBlur is a fast incremental implementation of, well, a gaussian blur filter using compute shaders.
  • TextureGenerator is a base class for procedural textures.

Library is early stage and work in progress. Expect bugs and frequent breaking changes.