
Upload secret variables from a file to AWS SM Parameter Store

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Upload Secrets from File to AWS SSM Parameter Store

Put secret variables from a file into AWS SSM Parameter Store.


$ npm install -g put-secrets-awssm

Getting started

The AWS IAM credentials should be previously set up on the console.

Use with default parameters:

$ put-secrets-awssm put
Uploaded Param: /default-secrets/DB_PORT * Value: 3001
Uploaded Param: /default-secrets/DB_PASS * Value: user1
Uploaded Param: /default-secrets/DB_USER * Value: password

Default parameters:

  • Region = 'eu-west-1'
  • Name Space = 'default-secrets'
  • File = '.env'

Other usage example:

$ put-secrets-awssm put --file ./dotenv/.env --region eu-west-1
  --namespace test1

Preview the variables that will be saved without uploading them:

$ put-secrets-awssm --show
Parameter: DB_PORT 	 Value: 3001
Parameter: DB_USER 	 Value: user1
Parameter: DB_PASS 	 Value: password

Get help:

$ put-secrets-awssm put --help
put-secrets-awssm put

Put secret variables from a file into AWS SM Parameter Store. The AWS IAM
credentials should be previously set up on the console.

  --file, -f       The file name containing the variables. Default is ".env"
  --show, -s       Preview the variables that will be saved     [boolean]
  --help, -h       Muestra ayuda                                [boolean]
  --version, -v    Muestra número de versión                    [boolean]
  --region, -r     The AWS region where the variables will be saved. Default is "eu-west-1"                      [string]
  --namespace, -n  The Name Space preceding the variable name. Default is "default-secrets"                      [string]


Put parameter with AWS CLI:

$ aws ssm put-parameter --type SecureString --name awsExampleParameterSSM --value awsExampleValueSSM


  • Get 'region' from AWS IAM console credentials.
  • Request the user AWS IAM credentials.


AWS SDK putParameter Method

Secret Forklift

ssmenv-cli: Reads key/values from AWS SSM Parameter-Store and applies it to environment variables.


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