
Make your fonts ready for @font-face!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fontina make your fonts ready for @font-face!

Fontina generates .ttf, .otf, .svg, .woff, .eot fonts from a font supported by fontforge.

A stylesheet will be created as well.


Before using fontina you need to install:

Basic usage

Install it:

npm install --save grunt-fontina

Write this:

var fontina = require('fontina');
var options = {};
fontina('./fonts/font.ttf', './public/fonts', options);

Fontina will do the rest.

The options object can be configured as follow:

  force: false,   // if true the file extension won't be checked
  output: false,  // if true the output from the tool will be printed
  error: false,   // if true the errors from the tool will be printed
  cwd: null       // current directory from which the tools are run

Integration with Grunt

Install grunt-fontina to automate your workflow.

npm install --save grunt-fontina

Load a new task in your Gruntfile.js:


Add a configuration block for fontina:

fontina: {
      fonts: {
        src: './fonts',           // Source directory
        dest: './public/fonts',   // Output directory
        options: {                // Fontina options object
          output: true


I've always hated using an external service just to get my font ready.

It breaks your workflow and you have to do it every time you add a font.
