
State management made simple

Primary LanguageJavaScript

storry storry night


State Management made simple!

How simple?

import storry from 'storry'
import { Map } from 'immutable'

const store = storry(Map({ user: 'Jack' }))
const updateUser = store.action((state, event) => state.set('user', event.user))

store.listen((state) => console.log('NEW STATE', state))

assert(store.state().user, 'Jack')
updateUser({ user: 'Mary' })
assert(store.state().user, 'Mary')

step by step explanation

Storry provides a data store which contains your state.

const store = storry({ user: 'Jack' })

The state can be accessed at any moment.

store.state() // { user: 'Jack' }

The state can be updated with a special function action.

To create an action we need to provide a pure function (state, event) => newState.

This function will be used to generate the new state, using the old state and the event passed to our action.

Let's define our action:

const updateUser = store.action((state, event) => 
  Object.assign({}, state, { user: event.user}))

When defining our action we can use ramda or immutable to simplify our task.

import { Map } from 'immutable'
const store = storry(Map({ user: 'Jack' }))
const updateUser = store.action((state, event) => state.set('user', event.user))
import { set, lensProp } from 'ramda'
const store = storry({ user: 'Jack' })
const updateUser = store.action((state, event) => 
  set(lensProp('user'), event.user, state)

All three implementations behave in the same way.

It's time to use our action.

updateUser({ user: 'Mary'})
store.state() // { user: 'Mary' }

Every time the state gets updated all the store listeners gets fired.

If you're interested in reacting to these events you can subscribe to the store.

store.listen((state) => console.log("I just received a new state", state))

(p)react bindings

Storry ships with bindings for React and Preact.

By importing storry/preact or storry/react you'll get a Provider component which can be used to wrap your application.

All the children of Provider will receive the state of the application as props everytime it's updated.

import Provider from 'storry/preact'
import App from './components/app'
import store from './store'
render(<Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>, document.body)

step by step common (p)react pattern

We're going to use one store for our application.

Let's define it in its own file, so that we can access it from any other file, and let's initialize it with some initial data.

This step could be, for example, receiving data from an isomorphic/universal application.

import storry from 'storry'
export default storry({ 
  songs: ['My Way', 'Fly Me to the Moon', 'New York, New York'], 
  votes: [0, 0, 0],
  active: 1 

Let's import our application main component App and Storry's Provider component.

We're going to render App wrapped in Provider, so that App will receive the state of our application.

import Provider from 'storry/preact'
import App from './components/app'
import store from './store'
render(<Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>, document.body)

Our main App component will receive the state and will pass a portion of it, to the other components which make our application.

All the other components can be dumb, stateless, pure functions.

import Song from '../song'
export default ({ songs, active, votes }) => 
  <Song track={songs[active]} votes={votes[active]} />
import { play, vote, next } from './actions'
export default ({ track, votes }) => <div>
  <a onClick={play(track)}>Play</a>
  <a onClick={vote(track)}>Vote</a>
  <a onClick={next}>Next</a>

Each component with interactive elements will have a relevant action files which contain the logic of our application.

In this case, we know the value we want to pass before the action is triggered, therefore we can create a function which accepts data and return an action.

The action is going to be invoked with the Click event but the event is going to be ignored.

import store from '../../store'
export const play = (track) => store.action((state) => 
  Object.assign({}, state, { playing: track }))

export const next = store.action(state) =>
  Object.assign({}, state, { active: (state.active+1) % state.songs.length})

export const vote = (track) => 
  fetch('/api/vote/' + track)
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(store.action((state, data) => 
      Object.assign({}, state, { votes: data.votes }))

The play(track) action modifies the current state, adding a field playing to it.

The next action modifies the current state, increasing the active song index by 1.

vote(track) instead makes an asynchronous operation (a XHR request) and set a state dependant on the result of the operation.

In this case we are assuming the API will return a list of all the votes, that we can use to update our application's state.

Your application will now display data from your store and update them on actions.


import storry from 'storry'

const store = storry(initialState = {}, initialListeners = [])
  • Creates a store.
  • It accepts two optional parameters.
  • initialState will be set as the initial state of your store and can have any shape
  • initialListeners is a list of functions which are called everytime the state updates
  • Add a function to the listeners array, a list of functions which are called everytime the state updates
const action = store.action(transform(state, event))
  • Returns a function which accept an event (which can have any shape) and calls transform
  • transform is called with state and event
  • transform needs to be a pure function and should return the next state
import Provider from 'storry/preact'
import Provider from 'storry/react'

render(<Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>)
  • Provider is a stateful components which listens to your store changes and re-render your application accordingly
  • Provider will pass the state of your store to all its children

package structure

This package contains

  • require ready files
    • lib/storry.js
    • lib/storry-preact.js
    • lib/storry-react.js
    • index.js
    • preact.js
    • react.js
  • import ready files
    • es/storry.js
    • es/storry-preact.js
    • es/storry-react.js
  • UMD build
    • umd/storry.js: exports starry
    • umd/storry-preact.js: exports Provider
    • umd/storry-react.js: exports Provider
  • Handcrafted readable browser files
    • browser/storry.js: exports storry
    • browser/storry-preact.js: exports Provider
    • browser/storry-react.js: exports Provider
  • Minified version of the browser files
    • dist/storry.js: exports storry
    • dist/storry-preact.js: exports Provider
    • dist/storry-preact.js: exports Provider

Just pick whatever you need for your application and please report if you spot some problems with your setup.


The Redux architecture brings to the table a lot of Elm benefits.

Having a single store and having well defined boundaries to mutate the state of your application is a great way to limit errors.

Unfortunately it carries a lot of action-related boilerplate and it's hard to teach to inexperienced developers.

Storry wants to preserve the benefits while minimizing boilerplate and while keeping the learning curve shallow.
