
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hanna for Developers

Here are all the main developer resources (libraries/tools/documentation) for Hanna design system, together in one happy monorepo.

This repo only contains source code, tests, and documentation sources.

The code in this repo manages a couple of production servers. One (styles.reykjavik.is) for centralized hosting of CSS files, and various Hanna-related assets, and another (hanna-docs.reykjavik.is) serving published code documentation.

The contents of the servers are stored in their own git repositories (hanna-server-styles and hanna-server-docs). Both of these repos are set up as git submodules in this monorepo, and build scripts push static build-results into them.

Chapters below:

Modules in This Repo

Code Libraries:

  • hanna-css

    • CSS styles and related assets for all Hanna components.
    • Publishes a TypeScript helper library as the npm package @reykjavik/hanna-css
    • Publishes CSS files and related (typo)graphic assets to styles.reykjavik.is.
      (Builds into /servers/styles/public/css/v${version}, a part of the submodule repo hanna-server-styles.)
  • hanna-react

    • React component library for developers implementing Hanna-themned UIs.
    • The reference implementation of the Hanna HTML patterns.
    • Published as the npm package @reykjavik/hanna-react.
  • hanna-utils

    • A collection of vanilla JavaScript functions and constants that are helpful when using the Hanna design system.
    • Published as the npm package @reykjavik/hanna-utils.

WIP Code Libraries:

  • hanna-sprinkles

    • Vanilla JavaScript "sprinkles" that progressively enhance server-rendered HTML components.
    • TODO:
  • hanna-twig

    • Twig templates used by the Drupal CMS driving the site www.reykjavik.is.
    • TODO:
      • Make the templates completely CMS-agnostic and pure/presentational, to allow use with WordPress, etc.
      • Published as the ???? package ?????.


  • html-storybook

    • Documents the framework-/tech-agnostic HTML patterns (class-names, etc.) behind every Hanna component. (Uses the hanna-react components to render the HTML exmaples.)
    • Publishes to hanna-docs.reykjavik.is.
      (Builds into /servers/docs/html/${version}, a part of the submodule repo hanna-server-docs.)
  • More coming…

    • …including storybook for hanna-react.

Oh, So Meta:

  • visual-tests

    • Visual Regression Testing module to capture unexpected changes in how the current CSS renders the HTML.
    • Automatically run before publishing new versions of hanna-react and the CSS from hanna-css
  • test-helpers

    • Some resuable helper functions for various testing situations across project modules.

Overall Design Principles

  • Be generic and presentational
    • Components should also be independent of any specific public policy.
    • Components should not depend on a specific state-management framework or API servers.
    • (Only allowed exception is the relative loose-coupling to the design-asset server styles.reykjavik.is)
  • Be accessibile and robust.
    • All components should be as accessibility friendly by default.
    • Components should strive to work even when JavaScript fails. (Google: "Progressive enhancement")
    • Components/tools must support translations/localization, but Icelandic is the default UI language.
  • Support the stupid simple cases.
    • Old-school Server-side rendering and progressive enhancement will remain valid use-cases for many years.
    • Be build-stack agnostic. Allow for hand-rolled pages, as well as "deep-magic" bundlers.
  • Scale gracefully over time.
    • Version everything, religiously.
    • Tech-specific libraries have their own independant version numbers, but must clearly state which Hanna (HTML) version they target.
    • CSS styles and other centrally + continuously deployed/served tools lead the versioning train and must be as (minor-version) backwards compatible as possible.
    • Be library agnostic. We like React, but if you need and like Vue/Svelte/etc. we welcome your PR. (Just imagine, yarn add @reykjavik/hanna-svelte would be so cool.)
    • Be framework agnostic. Today we may like Next.js, but tomorrow always brings new things.
  • Scale gracefully in size.
    • Payloads for tiny pages should be tiny. The "kitchen sink" should always be optional and opt-in.
    • Make it cheap to add new components.
    • Make it easy to silently (and unceremoniously!) drop use of certain components, while maintaining legacy support (until next major version bump).
  • Prefer opionionated, prescriptive components.
    • Flexible low-level styling components are nice and should be on offer too, but kept on a tight leash.
    • Prefer tightly controlled vocabularies over open-ended values.
    • CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) are our primary medium for design-tokens

Setup / Contribution

System requirements

Before you start (or even clone this repo) make sure you have the following software installed:

  • node >= 16
  • yarn >= 1.22
  • git >= 2.30
  • git-lfs >= 3.2 (Git Large File Storage for VRT screenshots, and graphic asset sources)

NOTE: The visual regression test suite has some additional system requirements.


Once the above software is installed, clone this repo and run:

yarn install

This sets up all the neccessary githooks, configures git and git-lfs, and logs notifications explaining the presence of the git submodules, into a file called WARNING--SUB-MODULES.txt.

If you plan on running the CSS dev server, or work on the documentation servers, you probably want to run sh scripts/submodules-install.sh straight away.


PRs are welcome. To increase the likelyhood of them being accepted, make sure you read all the relevant README files, and follow the style-conventions and design principles outlined therein.