InterfaceAgent: a versatile framework designed to create system and interface agents capable of managing mobile and desktop applications and features.
- bhakthan
- CaydenPierceToronto
- chrisperfer
- edoardorexDublin
- forrestbingAlibaba Inc
- francedot@Microsoft
- friuns2BrutalStrike
- gabrielecorniAssicurazioni Generali
- guidevopsBrasil
- iofu728Microsoft Research
- isanwenyuShanghai,China
- jbarnes850New York, New York
- JimLiuChicago, IL
- josephwinston
- kiok85
- LeNice223
- lioxon
- marciopocebon
- milesprovus
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- osansevieroHugging Face
- raphaelmansuyElitizon
- raphaelrkHarvard University
- shamanecExcitel Technology
- shiyeminpku
- shydow
- slavakurilyak@phoenix-hq
- somTianHefei University of Technology
- stefanonardo@microsoft
- tkersey@thisisartium
- tomatobobotUnited States
- trzyCambrian Moment
- vyokky
- XiangXu22
- yenerismail
- zachshallbetterCursed Crypt