akka-camel-jruby (and spring) Just get messages from a ActiveMQ queue and log them. Runs form command line: sh run.sh. Requires a lot of jars, please check the run.sh file. Please create your own credential.properties file as: activemq.username=system activemq.password=manager with your ActiveMQ credentials. Works with akka-1.3.1 and camel-2.7.5. Many thanks to: - http://metaphysicaldeveloper.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/high-level-concurrency-with-jruby-and-akka-actors/ - appendix E from 'Camel in Action' (Martin Krasser) www.manning.com/ibsen/appEsample.pdf - Programming Concurrency on the JVM: Mastering Synchronization, STM, and Actors by Venkat Subramaniam