Boot plugin for marginalia
boot -d it.frbracch/boot-marginalia marginalia target
NOTE: boot versions prior to 2.5.0 implicitely create the target directory.
In this case do not add the
task (i.e.boot -d it.frbracch/boot-marginalia marginalia
Add boot-marginalia
to your build.boot
dependencies and require
the namespace it.frbracch.boot-marginalia
(set-env! :dependencies '[
[it.frbracch/boot-marginalia "0.1.3-1" :scope "test"]
'[it.frbracch.boot-marginalia :refer [marginalia]])
For the complete options list, type boot marginalia -h
The resulting html file is placed in docs/uberdoc.html
NOTE: the fileset containing the document is passed through the rest of the task pipeline, therefore it is not readily present in the project root. Another task (e.g.
) should be used.
Copyright © 2015 Francesco Bracchi
Licensed under Eclipse Public License.