
Showcases vavr library to introduce functional programming in Java

Primary LanguageJava


  • We don't need to have polymorphic objects in memory that represents the single enrichment and scan-execute all of them, saving values in abstract class

  • WeightService and NameService can be tested separately. They have to return the data or throw an exception

  • in ServiceTest, you don't need to verify that you call weightService or nameService. you could just create tests to verify that eventPublisher and repository are called with the correct data. assert-on-data over assert-on-behaviour

  • less classes and no hierarchy

  • if an enrichment is optional, it would not create a left when there's an exception


  • Either can handle only one error, see specific test in ServiceTest

  • you can't assert on the whole EnrichmentResult object. If you add a new enrichment method and use it with flatMap, then you'll break the tests written until that moment...

  • can you find a way to abstract the test of possible combinations of failures?

    • weight succeeded and name failed
    • weight failed and name succeeded
    • both fails
    • both succeeded Actually: if you have tests on services and you are sure services throws exception when they fail, then in ServiceTest you don't need to test all the possible combinations of failures
  • Data in EnrichmentResult not isolated, for example addWeight can change data used by addName