Officina Alimentate Development


  1. Get started
  2. Concepts
  • styling
  • page loader
  • slider
  • portfolio
  1. Production
  2. Deployement

Get Started

  1. installment
  2. run the code


Make sure you have git & NodeJS installed Copy the link

Open Visual Studio Code (vscode) (or terminal if you dont like the editor) And create new project Name your folder and click open

Now in the terminal cmd-j in mac if you use vscode and type:

git clone .

Now you should have all the code but need to also install it! first we install yarn (as the project is writted with it) and then install the dependancies

npm install yarn -g
yarn install

Now you are done with installment!

Run your code

Once you finished installment type the following in the terminal to start your project - (you will always do this to start it)

yarn start


All the code will live under the src file


All the styling is done in a language called scss which is basically css but abit easier and the files can be found in folder Styles and each section has its own file under Styles/sections

All the colors are defined in the color.scss file and are referenced by $ ex: color: $WHITE; this will make it easy to change colors really fast later on


You should see that the page is first white and then fades away, this is the loader to "hide" the startup faze of the page, you can control this at 2 points

  1. The cool-off period which is the time it will take before it fades away (search for LOADING-COOL-OFF cmd-shift-f)
  2. The fade period, which is the duration of the actual animation (search for LOADING-FADE-OFF - now its 1000ms)


Follow the style for slider styles/slider.scss to style the drsgger To change the images just replace the source.png & overlay.png under public/assets/images/slider


Make sure that all pdf-documents has a corresponding file and put the documents under public/assets/documents/portfolio and with the same name but for images under public/assets/images/portfolio

Then inside the Portfolio code (found in src/pages/Home/Components/Portfolio.jsx) on line 5 there is a array called names, add all the document names here example:

const names = ["laura"] 


Run yarn build in the terminal and you should see a folder build after its done, this is your page, try to open the index.html in your browser and you should see the page.


When you have a server of choise you can just drop all the contents of the build to it,

A service which I recomend would be Heroku, which you could even hook to git if you make it that far, feel free to contact for more information.