
A label generator for Paperless-ngx labels on Avery labels

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

ASN labels for Paperless-ngx on Avery labels

The recommended workflow of Paperless-ngx uses QR codes for ASN (archive serial number) labels.

Single label

This script helps creating them using Python. It outputs a PDF for printing on the label sheets. Make sure to set print size to 100%, not fit to page or similar.

Other Avery (or competitor's) label sizes can be added to labelInfo in AveryLabels.py. All other settings are configured at the top part of main.py.

Use these settings for an initial position test to align your printer:

mode = "text"
debug = True

labelsAlreadyPrinted = 0
labelsCorrupted = 0
labelsToPrint = 1

positionHelper = True


Configurations available in main.py:

  • labelForm: Select your label sheet version from the labelInfo list in AveryLabels.py.
  • mode:
    • qr: Print a QR code and a text next to it showing the ASN.
    • text: Print a free text on the label.
  • text: The free text used for mode = text.
  • subLabelsX/subLabelsX: Print multiple labels on a single cutout of a label sheet. This is helpful for small label sizes even though your physical label cutout sizes are bigger. Use a steel ruler and a sharp box cutter knife after printing to split up the labels.
  • firstASNOnSheet: The first ASN number that is/has been printed on the current sheet. Set to 1 on your initial sheet.
  • labelsAlreadyPrinted: If you have already printed a some labels on the current sheet, use this to skip overwriting them.
  • labelsCorrupted: Due to misprints or other reason, some labels on the current sheet might have gotten corrupted. This skips the unusable labels.
  • labelsToPrint: How many labels you want to print now.

More settings:

  • debug: For initial calibration, a solid border line will be printed that should line up with the cutouts on your sheet. In mode = text, label text will be ascending numbers.


  • positionHelper: Small dots will be printed in the corner of (sub-)labels. Useful as subtle sublabel cutting guides.



This is based on the work from timrprobocom