
An easy-to-install, Lumen based invitation tool for your Slack team.

Primary LanguagePHP


An easy-to-install, Lumen based invitation tool for your Slack team.

You can use it in a "standalone" mode, or include it with a really simple widget.


The keyword for this little project is "easy". All you will need to do is to execute:

git clone https://github.com/francescomalatesta/slacky YourFolder
cd YourFolder

and nothing more.

If you have already added a Slack access token to your .env file, there's nothing more to do.

Otherwise, you will be asked for it.

Important: if you don't know what an access token is, just generate it on this page.

The setup script will also ask you for the tool locale. Currently supported locales:

  • en
  • it

You can easily change the locale whenever you want by running the artisan slacky-setup command.


You can also include Slacky as a widget by including, on your site, the widget.js file this way:

<script src="your_slacky_host.ext/widget.js" data-width="800" data-height="600"></script>

So, assuming that your Slacky install is at myslacky.com, you will need to use

<script src="myslacky.ext/widget.js" data-width="800" data-height="600"></script>

... and nothing more! The widget.js file will automatically create an iframe and put it on your page, wherever you prefer.