
Transform RGB images to grayscale ones with more than 256 shades of gray

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Developed with Giuseppe Marino

Bit stealing

Given an RGB image, calculates its luma value Y (from YUV) as follows

Y = R .* 0.2989 + G .* 0.587 + B .* 0.114;

and then associates its level with the closest gray (or almost gray) color that you can produce, [y+r, y, y+b], where y is a rounded from Y, and r and b usually lie in the range of [-1, 1] and [-2, 2] (integers).

An approximate solution can be obtained by using a pre calculated look up table, indexed by the luma level in ascending order. This is similar to what is described in the bit stealing paper, although the look up table is slightly different.


The bitstealing function requires two parameters and outputs the grayscale image.

out = bitstealing(img, l);
  • img is the RGB image
  • l is the level of variation allowed, which can be either
    • 1, which makes b = [-1, 1], where colors are closer to pure gray (766 shades available)
    • 2, which makes b = [-2, 2] (1274 shades available)
    • 3, which makes b = [-1, 1] and r = [-1, 1] (2294 shades available)
    • 4, which makes b = [-2, 2] and r = [-1, 1], where colors can be further from pure gray (3816 shades available)