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Hello there! i'm nothing!

Welcome, general kenobi

Hello there, i go by the nickname of nothing, because this is such a common nick my username on github it's obviously differente but i quite like it never the less.

Personal info

  • 'Name': if my name is so relevant to you then you will have to look for it, i'm not hiding it but i dont want to spam my name on the web for no reason.
  • 'Age' : i'm currently 21 years old atm, i don't know if i will remember to change this when my birthday occur
  • 'Occupation' : i just started working at kerbersoweb and i'm so happy about it
  • 'Location' : Italy

Personal interests

I'm currently studying computer engineering at a local university. My most loved interest is cybersecurity in all of it's beauty, obvioulsy i'm not an expert and i will never pretend to be one, in this field you learn every day new things and this is excting for me

What cybersecurity i do

  • i often do a little bit of research on hackerone but there's nothing much to see ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • i like to play ctfs on hackthebox

My preferred type of cts i do is boot2root since i like the ideology behind it to start with nothing and end with owning the machine I'm kinda prepared to do reverse engineering but it's not definetly my pride and obviously i like bughunting on web apps

current projects

If you open my github profile at this link you will find several and simple tool i build My pride is argo, a simple tool with a bunch of exploit loaded to own several type o cameras, i'm currently working on a newer version of it to extend it to a full spectrum of IoT device and it's exploit (if available obv) like dicom server,pacs, PLC and toaser or blenders, why not. NOTE: this tool it's not intended to be a flex, of course i wrote some of the exploit myself without knowing that there are already some PoC on the web, this i just my big project to work out my mind to produce a good OOP code


I have a space in my heart for object-oriented programming language, i know: python, java, c++ and ruby I know the basic of C and assambly but they come only from exam i did in university, not personal interest even if i know it's wrong


You can contact me on telegram and i'm happy to meet new friends If you want to tip me or offer me a beer you can find the patreon here or otherwise ask me for a bitcoin or ethereum address