Using AppLinks in PhoneGap, Cordova and Iconic

AppLinks ( is an open source approach to unify linking between mobile apps and across platforms. The project was announced and released at Facebook's F8 conference 2014 in San Francisco (

Handling AppLinks in PhoneGap

Our first quick test method to handle the standard:

  • Make a xHTTP request to the URL hosting the AppLinks Meta Tags
  • Parse the response via JS DOMParser
  • Read Meta Properties and try to open the app or go to the app store
  • As Fallback call the original URL


The approach is using the cordova/phonegap plugin "InAppBrowser" (

Example implementations

  • /iconic-example/controller.js: This approach is based on the use of the Ionic Framework (, however it should be usable with any AngularJS phonegap app
  • jquery/app.js: This approach is using jQuery (please check for code errors, not tested yet!)

#How to Handle Incoming Links


1. Add this to your *-Info.plist (replace URL_SCHEME by a nice scheme you want to have your app listen to, like mycoolapp):


Handle incoming links via the handleOpenURL() function:

function handleOpenURL(url) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    alert("url: " + url);
  }, 1);