- Replaced Parse by Firebase for realtime events.
- Create a new firebase app (https://www.firebase.com/account/)
- Install Heroku > https://toolbelt.herokuapp.com/
- Create a new heroku app ("heroku apps:create example")
- Navigate to project root and execute:
- "heroku config:set firebase_auth_token=xxx"
- "heroku config:set firebase_url=https://APP_URL.firebaseio.com/"
- Place source code (project root) in /˜/Spotify/noisegong
- Search for "spotify:app:noisegong" in Spotify App Search
- Add to favorites
- Spotify Apps Docs: https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/apps/
- Firebase Dochs: https://www.firebase.com/docs/
- Parse JS Docs: https://parse.com/docs/js_guide