Pinned Repositories
Flights and Airlines Manager using various principles of Graph Theory. Developed in C++ for the subjetct: "Algorithms and Data Structures"
Game developed in Prolog for the UC of Functional and Logic Programming. This board game can be played by two players, with one player against a bot, or just be played by two bots.
Project made for the Graphic Computation class. This 3D graphics environment consists of a bee, moved by the player, which has to collect pollen and leave it in its hive. Used shaders
Compiler made in the UC of Functional and Logic Programming. This project was developed in Haskell, and it's composed of the full procedure from parsing a string, until the execution of the code by the assembler
Repository with the Projects developed for Parallel and Distributed Computation. The 1st project is about benchmarking different algorithms, programing languages and paralelizations, and taking conclusion about their impact on performance and cache usage. The 2nd project is the implementation of a Server which hosts different games"Price is Right"
Project about parallel programming and inter-process communication using token ring. Developed in C for the subject: "Operating Systems"
Sokobond game developed for the Curricular Unit of Artificial Intelligence. Developed Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to solve 10 different levels, all with different complexities and new game mechanics
Game created using principles of OOP and good practices of software and architectural design. Developed in Java for the subject: "Software Design and Testing Laboratory"
Social Network made in Database and Web Applications Laboratory. Travellers aims to be the global hub where wanderlust meets community. We envision a world where individuals share, connect, and explore together, creating an inclusive space for unforgettable travel experiences. Used: Laravel, AJAX, Pusher, Mailtrap to make website dynamic
francis802's Repositories
Flights and Airlines Manager using various principles of Graph Theory. Developed in C++ for the subjetct: "Algorithms and Data Structures"
Game developed in Prolog for the UC of Functional and Logic Programming. This board game can be played by two players, with one player against a bot, or just be played by two bots.
Project made for the Graphic Computation class. This 3D graphics environment consists of a bee, moved by the player, which has to collect pollen and leave it in its hive. Used shaders
Compiler made in the UC of Functional and Logic Programming. This project was developed in Haskell, and it's composed of the full procedure from parsing a string, until the execution of the code by the assembler
Repository with the Projects developed for Parallel and Distributed Computation. The 1st project is about benchmarking different algorithms, programing languages and paralelizations, and taking conclusion about their impact on performance and cache usage. The 2nd project is the implementation of a Server which hosts different games"Price is Right"
Project about parallel programming and inter-process communication using token ring. Developed in C for the subject: "Operating Systems"
Config files for my GitHub profile.
project-ltw14g10 created by GitHub Classroom
Database developed for the games of the Portuguese Hockey League of 2021-2022, using triggers to create a dynamic database on data deletion, change and insertion
Railway Manager using flow algorithms to solve capacity problems. Developed in C++ for the subjetct: "Design of Algorithms"
Repository made for the Curricular Unit of Computer Networks. The 1st project consists of transfering a file between two computers, following a protocol that takes into account problems of timeout, noise and duplication of data frames. The 2nd project consists of construing an internet network to acess the internet, and transfering a file using TCP
Sokobond game developed for the Curricular Unit of Artificial Intelligence. Developed Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to solve 10 different levels, all with different complexities and new game mechanics
Game created using principles of OOP and good practices of software and architectural design. Developed in Java for the subject: "Software Design and Testing Laboratory"
Timetable Manager using linear data structures, and binary search trees. Allows modification on the different timetables, if possible. Developed in C++ for the subject: "Algorithms and Data Structures"
Game developed in C using MINIX OS for LCOM, and taking advantage of IO devices manipulation such as: Timer, Keyboard, Mouse, Graphics Card and Real-Time Clock
Social Network made in Database and Web Applications Laboratory. Travellers aims to be the global hub where wanderlust meets community. We envision a world where individuals share, connect, and explore together, creating an inclusive space for unforgettable travel experiences. Used: Laravel, AJAX, Pusher, Mailtrap to make website dynamic
Travelling Salesman Problem solved using Backtracking, and approximation algorithms such as: Triangular Approximation Heuristic, Closest Neighbour Heuristic and our own heuristic! Developed in C++ for the subject: "Design of Algorithms"
Compiler made for a subset of Java. Used an ANTLR Grammar, AST, and the backend engines Ollir and Jasmin to compile a class to executable code. Also implemented a "-o" optimization for constant folding and propagation
Machine Learning Models applied on a dataset provided by NASA, consisting on categorizing asteroids as Hazardous or Non-Hazordous for planet Earth. Applied different graphics to better see the data and predictions, like Correlation Matrix, Confusion Matrix, and Swarmplots.