Next.js - Laravel API - Auth0 prototype

This project explores Auth0 user authentication with a simple serverless blog site. Serverless means "backend as a service", so in this case we're using Auth0 for user authentication and a custom Laravel API for storing blog data. On the frontend we use Next.js (with Tailwind CSS) which will interface between users and the APIs.

NB; currently auth0/nextjs-auth0 has no way to refresh user data (stored in session cookie) without logging back in. This prevents the ability to see instant changes on /settings page. A pull req seeks to address this. Keep checking in.

Table of contents


  • Auth0: Sign in | /api/login
  • Auth0: Sign out | /api/logout
  • Auth0: Register an account | /api/login
  • Next: Authed users can change account data | /settings
  • Next: Authed users can create new posts | /posts/create
  • Next: Authed users can update their posts | /posts/{post}/edit
  • Next: Authed users can delete their posts | /posts
  • Next: View all posts created by everyone | /posts
  • Next: View a post | /posts/{post}
  • Next: View all users | /users
  • Next: View a user and their posts | /users/{user}
  • Laravel API: Custom user provider stores Auth0 users in Laravel db
  • Laravel API: List, create, read, update and delete all posts
  • Laravel API: Update user info


  • allow users to delete their posts (on Home / Posts / Users pages)\
  • show edit buttons below owned posts (on Home / Posts / Users pages)
  • Standardise the user and authed objects
  • Finish this README
  • Add tests


Getting started


Download the NLAP repo from Github if you haven't already.

$ git clone .

Navigate to the /laravel folder and install php packages.

composer install

And install npm packages in the /next folder.

npm install

Prepare your Auth0 account

If you don't already have an account, head over and set one up now.

After logging into your account we will need to create a tenant. A tenant is basically a centralised repository of users which we can fill from a whole range of sources; like our own database, auth0 register page of third party 0auth2 services like Google / Github. We can then tap into this repository to log users into anything we want.. maybe a website and mobile app combo? or a single sign on service for a range of unrelated apps?? The options are numerous. Anyway, name the tenant carefully as it can't be changed later.

Create an Auth0 application for handling user authentication

Head over to the applications page and create a Regular Web Application called Next Client.

The settings in this application will allow us to connect our Next client to Auth0.

On the settings tab of the new app, configure the fields:

Allowed Callback URLs: Auth0 will redirect us to this route after we log in.

  • Local example: http://localhost:3000/api/callback
  • Production example:

Allowed Logout URLs: Auth0 will redirect us to this route after we log out.

  • Local example: http://localhost:3000/
  • Production example:

Configure Auth0 database to require a username

Turn on the username feature by heading to Connections > Database. Select the database used by the Next Client app. Toggle Requires Username and save.

Include the username in the idToken payload by heading to the rules page and creating a new rule called Transform user claims. Paste the snippet below: Read more on including a username in payload here.

function (user, context, callback) {
  const blacklist = [ 'nickname' ];

  // Copy nickname claim to name claim = user.username;

  // Remove nickname claim
  Object.keys(user).forEach(function(key) {
    if (blacklist.indexOf(key) > -1) {
      delete user[key];

  auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
        callback(null, user, context);

Create an Auth0 application for updating user info

Head back to the applications page and create a Machine to Machine app called User Manager.

Connect this app to Auth0 Management API and enable update:users scope

Configure Next environment variables

Duplicate .env.example and rename to .env.

Configure AUTH0_* env (used to authorise users and read personal info):

// Grab these values from the `Next Client` app settings page.


// An audience identifies the API we want to interact with. In 
// our case we want to use the `Auth0 Management API` found
// at `http://{tenant}.{country}`. Don't 
// forget that trailing `/`!


// Don't know why these scopes are necessary. They just are for 
// `@auth0/nextjs-auth0` to work.

AUTH0_SCOPE=openid profile

Configure AUTH0_MANAGER_* env (used to perform exec. actions on auth0 tenant):

// Grab these values from the `User Manager` app settings page.


Configure SESSION_COOKIE_* env:

You have to provide a random string of at least 32 characters here. This tool should do the job:


// 7200 seconds = 2 hours


Configure other vars:

// The URL you will be redirected to after logging in


// The URL you will be redirected to after logging out


Configure Laravel

Run the prototype

Serve the Laravel API in the laravel folder.

php artisan serve

Switch on the Next client in the next folder.

npm run dev

Reference material

Next routes

  • / | everyone
    • Show a welcome message to guests
    • Show a custom message to authed users
    • Display the latest 5 posts pooled from all users
    • Displayed the latest 5 users to register
  • /posts | everyone | view a list of all posts created by all users
  • /posts/{post} | everyone | view a post
  • /posts/create | requires auth | create a new post
  • /posts/{post}/edit | requires auth | edit one of my posts
  • /posts/{post}/delete | requires auth | delete one of my posts
  • /users | everyone | view a list of all users
  • /users/{user} | everyone | view a users profile and posts
  • /users/ssr-{user} | requires auth | view profile / posts (rendered on server)
  • /settings | requires auth | update auth0 info associated with the user
  • /api/login | requires guest | sign in with Auth0
  • /api/callback | requires guest | sets cookies after redirect from Auth0 login
  • /api/logout | requires auth | sign out of Auth0
  • GET | /api/me | requires auth | get logged in users info
  • PATCH | /api/me | requires auth | update logged in users info

Laravel routes


Auth0: What is a tenant?

A tenant is a walled-off database of users that you can configure any number of connections (called apps) to have access too. So for example, if three apps (website A, website B and mobile app) were connected to the same tenant, a user would only need to register in one place to gain access to all three.

Auth0: What is an application?

  • An application configures a connection between a client and auth0.
  • An application has four types to pick from to cater to varying use cases.
  • Native app: used for mobile, desktop and smartphone type apps.
  • SPA web app: used for web apps that communicate mostly through APIs.
  • Regular web app: used for web apps that perform most logic on the server.
  • M2M app: used for backend services that require no human interaction.
  • NB: all presets require some human interaction except M2M.
  • NB: features vary between types to cater to the security demands of each client.
  • NB: native, SPA and regular apps can pool users from multiple sources. Like custom databases, Single Sign-On services (SSO) and social networks.
  • NB: M2M apps issue tokens that can be used with APIs authed in the APIs tab.
  • Resources:

Auth0: What is a scope?

A scope defines the actions that an application can do on a users behalf. Like the permissions system on the android app store. Glossary entry.

Auth0: What does an Auth0 API do?

An Auth0 API is a piece of middleware that protects your APIs.

Auth0: How can I prevent new users from registering?

  1. Open your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Connections > Database page.
  3. Select the database used for this prototype.
  4. Scroll down (on the Settings tab) to Disable Sign Ups option and switch off.

Auth0: How can I update user props?

Auth0: How can I add username to the idToken payload object?

Auth0 won't allow us to create a username claim. The only claims we can set are those in the OIDC spec or rather ugly looking namespaced claims.

To make any changes, we have to create a rule on the rules page. I find the Add persistent attributes to user template to be most useful.

OIDC claims: while we can't add any top-level props outside of the OIDC spec, we could transform one of the objects that IS IN the OIDC spec. I'd be inclined just to add username to name or nickname instead:

function (user, context, callback) {
  // add username to `name` claim = user.username;

  auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
        callback(null, user, context);

Our other option is to create an ugly looking namespace claim. As described in the docs, this is to ensure that it is globally unique and doesn't clash with claims from other resources or the OIDC spec. From the example: Yes indeed you have to access the property on the client like user['https://nlap/username'].

function (user, context, callback) {
  // add username to `https://nlap/username` claim
  context.idToken['https://nlap/username'] = user.username;

  auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
        callback(null, user, context);

Auth0: How can I add username to the idToken payload object?

  • You can't add the username claim but you can add a namespaced version of the claim.
  • NB; Unfortunately Auth0 prevents us from doing this to ensure no claims can accidentally write over reserved claims or claims from other resources.
  • NB; We CAN create custom claims but they require strict namespacing rules which look kinda ugly to ensure they are globally unique. So instead of user.username you'd have to use user[''].
  • To set up this all up, head to the Rules page.
  • Create a new rule and select Add persistent attributes to the user template.
  • Customise to look something like this:
function (user, context, callback) {
  user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
  user.user_metadata.username = user.nickname;
  context.accessToken[''] = user.user_metadata.username;
  context.accessToken.username = user.user_metadata.username;

  auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
        callback(null, user, context);
  • Save and log back in with your Auth0 account client-side to retrieve this new claim in your ID Token.

Auth0: What is the difference between an ID Token and Access Token?

  • ID Token: is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that contains info about a user.
  • Access Token: is a token used to gain access to APIs
  • Tokens documentation

Next: Where is my user_id?

user_id comes bundled in the user object under the sub key.

const { user } = useFetchUser();

const user_id = user && user.sub;

Laravel: How can I get user information from Auth0 token in API request?
