
Starter project for SSPA, Vue3 and Vite

Primary LanguageVue

Starter pack for Vite, Vue3 and Single SPA

The microfrontend1 (JS) and microfrontend2 (TS) are exposed on port 3000/3001, respectively. You need to start each micro frontend following the instructions in the each README. Then, you can run the root config in order to expose both ports and consume the microfrontend from port 9000

Please make sure you are using the correct node version by doing the following

nvm use

Current configuration

Alt Text

Add another microfrontend?

You can follow the steps:

  • In order to create the microfrontend, please run the following command npm create vue@latest from the root directory.
  • Install de dependencies from package.json by running npm install. Please, add single-spa-vue as a dependency.
  • Update the main.ts or main.js file with the correct configuration in order to use single spa. Example:
        import { createApp, h } from 'vue'
        import App from './App.vue'
        import router from './router'
        import singleSpaVue from 'single-spa-vue'

        const vueLifecycles = singleSpaVue({
        appOptions: {
            render() {
            return h(App, {
                props: {
                name: this.name,
                mountParcel: this.mountParcel,
                singleSpa: this.singleSpa
        handleInstance: (app) => {
        export const bootstrap = vueLifecycles.bootstrap
        export const mount = vueLifecycles.mount
        export const unmount = vueLifecycles.unmount
  • Launch the microfrontend by running npm run dev
  • Register the microfrontend in the root configuration where PORT is the port number the microfrontend is running
          name: "microfrontend_name",
          app: () =>
              /* webpackIgnore: true */
          activeWhen: ["/"],