React-native camera roll extension to store photos in specific album
npm install francisco-sanchez-molina/react-native-store-photos-album --save
react-native link react-native-store-photos-album
Before using this you must link the RCTCameraRoll library. You can refer to Linking for help.
import CameraRollExtended from 'react-native-store-photos-album'
CameraRollExtended.saveToCameraRoll({uri: photoPath, album: 'Test'}, 'photo')
or with additional fileName
parameter (it could rename image, works only on Android):
CameraRollExtended.saveToCameraRoll({uri: photoPath, album: 'Test', fileName: 'greatPicture.jpg'}, 'photo')
version 0.1.0 add react-native 0.40 support