This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
. Uses Shadcn/ui, Tailwindcss for the syles and Fake Store API to retrieve products.
Home (/) shows the searchbar component where you can search for all the available products cards for the available categories
All Producst /products
- searchbar
- all products
Single product / detail page (/products/[product-id])
- searchbar where you can search for all the available products
- Detailed information of the product
Category (/[category-slug]) electronics jewelery eg
- searchbar where you can search for all the products available in this category
- all products in this category
Run the development server:
npm run dev
- use Shadcn/ui, Tailwindcss, Nextjs 14, and FakeStore (products)
- get products/categories
- cards with icons
- single product detail page
- filter products
- Responsive
- [] searchbar like