This web-app allow you to search your favorites movies. This is online!! You can see it HERE This was made with React and OMDB api.
The first oficial version of this project is on the commit:
Node version 16, css and npm as package manager.
npm run production
Vercel Deploy Tutorial Fazt web Tutorial
I've deleted all the project to start over with vite and just use the OMDB api because this code was awful
Package manager: pnpm
Node version: v20.8.0
Bootstraped with Vite
Styling: sass or taildwind I dont decide yet
[] responsive design [x] borrar comentarios de form scss [x] pulir los estilos [x] crear variables globales para colores [x] card component para cada pelicula/serie [] impletemtar BEM [] no nestear estilos [] el gitignore viejo esta MAL [] esta subido el .env no lo puedo creer [] agregar comprobacion si no hay datos [] agregar loading state y component [] agregar una busqueda inicial por defecto