This repository was made following midudev ts tutorial. Big shout out to the great @midudev.
npm install --save-dev ts-node typescript
define operation types in array and op type as string
const operations = ['multiply', 'divide', 'add']
const calculator = (a: number, b: number, op: string) => {
if (!operations.includes(op)) {
console.log('This operation is not defined');
if (op === 'multiply') return a * b;
if (op === 'add') return a + b;
if (op === 'divide') {
if (b === 0) return 'Cannot divide by 0!'
return a / b;
console.log(calculator(1, 3, 'add'));
console.log(calculator(2, 3, 'multiply'));
console.log(calculator(20, 4, 'divide'));
// throws error because "string" it's not in operations array
console.log(calculator(2, 4, 'string'));
define operation types not in array
const calculator = (a: number, b: number, op: 'multiply' | 'add' | 'divide') => {
if (op === 'multiply') return a * b;
if (op === 'add') return a + b;
if (op === 'divide') {
if (b === 0) return 'Cannot divide by 0!'
return a / b;
console.log(calculator(1, 3, 'add'));
console.log(calculator(2, 3, 'multiply'));
console.log(calculator(20, 4, 'divide'));
console.log(calculator(2, 4, 'coso'));
Best aproach Type Operations Type Result
type Operations = 'multiply' | 'add' | 'divide';
type Result = number;
// returns a Result type
const calculator = (a: number, b: number, op: Operations): Result => {
if (op === 'multiply') return a * b;
if (op === 'add') return a + b;
if (op === 'divide') {
if (b === 0) throw new Error('Cannot divide by 0!');
return a / b;
throw new Error('Operation is not valid');
try {
console.log(calculator(4, 20, 'divide'));
console.log(calculator(20, 0, 'divide'));
} catch (e) {
console.log('Something went wrong', e);
const multiplicator = (a: number, b: number, printText: string) => {
console.log(printText, a * b);
// primera posicion de process.argv lo q se esta ejecutando
// sugunda posicion de process.argv archivo en especifico
// luego los argumentos
// console.log(process.argv);
const parseArguments = (args) => {
if (args.length !== 4) throw new Error('Wrong number of arguments')
const firstNumber = Number(args[2])
const secondNumber = Number(args[3])
if(!isNaN(firstNumber) && !isNaN(secondNumber)) {
return [
throw new Error('Provided values were not numbers!')
const cleanArguments = parseArguments(process.argv)
const a: number = Number(cleanArguments[0])
const b: number = Number(cleanArguments[1])
multiplicator(a, b, `Multiplied ${a} and ${b}, the result is: `)
parseArguments --> "limpia" los argumentos y se asegura que sean numeros (ni NaN ni otra cosa)