School library - OOP

Imagine that you are the librarian of OOP University, and you need a tool to record what books are in the library and who borrows them. The app that you will create will allow you to:

Add new students or teachers. Add new books. Save records of who borrowed a given book and when. And all of this will be built in a beautiful and well-organized way!

Built With

  • Ruby

Live Demo

Soon to be add.

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • Clone this repo using the command $git clone
  • Or use the dropdown menu, choose "download with zip" button.
  • After download, extract the zip file and you have the project running on your machine..
  • In the project directory you can run:

ruby list.rb

## Author

👤 **Francisco Ponce**

- GitHub: [@franciscoPonceDev](  
- LinkedIn: [Francisco Ponce](

## 🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

## Show your support

Please give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

## 📝 License

This project is [MIT](./LICENCE) licensed.