How to run this project

docker compose up or docker-compose up, depending or your docker version.

How to build the plugin

You only need java 21, then you can build normally with mvn. After build you need replace the existent plugin in server/plugins and reload the server to see your modifications...

Shortcut to build and reload

mvn package -f "{REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PATH}/plugin/minebirds/pom.xml" && cp {REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PATH}/plugin/minebirds/target/minebirds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar {REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PATH}/plugins/minebirds-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar && curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "key: server_tap_password" -d "command=reload confirm"