
This project was build during a hackathon organized by the KTH AI Society in approximately 10 hrs.

The goal was to build a program that could create a new playlist based on reasent listened music by the specified user.


Before running the program a few things need to be initialized:

running the program

Run the program by executing python3 run


The program consists of a few parts explained below.


The scraper retrieves data from two sources:

  • Spotify playlist data: Gathering all songs in spotify's public playlists.
  • User data: Gathering the set of songs the user listened to most recently.

For each song the following features were collected:

  • danceability
  • energy
  • key
  • loudness
  • mode
  • speechiness
  • acousticness
  • instrumentalness
  • liveness
  • valence
  • tempo
  • duration_ms


The recommender clusters tracks from spotify's public playlists and find songs that are in the same clusters (and close to ) as your recenlty listened tracks.

playlist builder

The playlist builder takes the recommended music and exports it to a playlist created for the specified user. If no name is given a random name will be generated (e.g. thirsty-firebrick-snake)