
MongoDB with Docker and Docker Compose

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MongoDB with Docker and Docker Compose

Usage (start server)

On folder that contains docker-compose.yml type one of this.

// non detach mode
docker-compose up


// detach mode
docker-compose up -d

It will spin the MongoDB latest version (currently 4.x.x version), expose port to host at 27017.

Usage (stop server)

To shutdown database without remove the container.

docker-compose stop

To shutdown database and remove the container.

docker-compose down

Is data or user that already created will gone? No, since in the Docker Compose file you can see that we utilize data container named mongodb_data_container to store the MongoDB data.

MongoDB credential (for database admin)

  • Username: root
  • Password: rootpassword

How to connect to MongoDB

Via mongo Shell

Type this.

mongo admin -u root -p rootpassword

It will connect to localhost port 27017.

Note that mongo command should be installed on the computer. On Linux this should be install mongodb-org-shell only. Refer to this for more detail https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/

Some quick tips after logged-in

Show databases:

show dbs

Create new non-existant database:

use mydatabase

Show collections:

show collections

Show contents of a collection:


Save a data to a collection:

db.your_collection_name.save({"name":"Sony AK"})

Show database version:


Enjoy your local MongoDB database server for any purpose you want, for me this setup is fine for testing purpose.