Project Overview

This is a really simple project that allows you to find activities using Bored API created using vite along with react and typescript + swc. The idea of this project was to learn the following libraries and technologies to further improve my frontend development skills and develop stronger testing and debugging skills:

  • StoryBook
  • React Testing Library
  • Vitest
  • clsx
  • tailwind-merge

Opera Instantánea_2024-01-28_183916_localhost

Running the Project

First, download the project either in a .zip file or forking it locally. Once you have the project, install the required dependencies using npm install. To run the project use the command npm run dev.

Running the Tests

To run the test using vitest, run the following command npm run test.

Running StoryBook

You can run the project's StoryBook instance by running the following command: npm run storybook. It should be running afterwards on the port 6006. image