
Proyect based on twitter thread watch here

What is Expense Tracker?

version: Python 3.10
Basic CLI enpense tracker that works with a txt file as data base.
This is a work in progress while I am still learning Python, thus, it will change its functionalities and the way it is structured.
I started the program in spanish and some lines are still in spanish, I will change it to English.


  • Add expense
  • list expenses
  • get expense
  • edit expense
  • delete expense
  • Store expenses in TXT file

How to use

Files you need:

  • expenses_tracker.py
  • db.txt

How to run:

At the moment you can just download the code and run expenses_tracker.py
At the moment it only uses inbuilt modules but as it grows it will be in virtual enviroment and have imported modules