
Stripe powered web store sample code for La Resistance Media

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webstore for La Resistace Media

Allows to purchase digital assets with a credit card and download material stored in S3.

Technology Express, React, Stripe, styled components, bootstrap, Amazon S3, Postgres, Heroku


  1. Run yarn install in the main directory and in the /client directory. This last one is the front end application.

  2. Create an .env file in both the main directory and the /client directory. Fill in the env variables in the respectve .env.sample files.

  3. Install postgres and run the init.sql file, as well as the other sql files in the sql_files dir.

Use this tutorial as a reference (locally and on heroku):


  1. Setup and S3 bucket, upload the files, and fill in the backend .env file with the credentials.

  2. Run locally with $ npm run dev on root directory $ npm run start on /client directory

  3. Deploy to heroku 6.1 Setup heroku account and CLI 6.2 Setup postgres on Heroku 6.3 Run sql commands on production to create tables

Useful commands

Login to heroku db heroku pg:psql postgresql-random-heroku-name --app your-app-name

Setting up remote heroku on a new mac heroku git:remote -a project

Run sql file on production (examples) cat init.sql | heroku pg:psql postgresql-random-heroku-name --app your-app-name

cat sql_files/add_transactions_table.sql | heroku pg:psql postgresql-encircled-81059 --app your-app-name