Ascend Notes App

How to Run the App?

  1. Run npm install on both ./notes-app-client and ./notes-app-backend directories.
  2. Set up an .env file modeled after the .env.example and fill in the variables.
  3. Start the backend by running npm run dev inside the ./notes-app-backend directory.
  4. Start the frontend by running npm run dev inside the ./notes-app-client directory.
  5. Manually test the application.
  6. Like and subscribe.

Backend Testing

The tests are implemented using the jest and supertest libraries. The tests are an integration test suite that runs the API endpoints to ensure the correct behavior of the CRUD functionality.

Setting up the Test Environment

    1. Create a MongoDB testing database. Create a MongoDB test DB that is separate from your production DB. You can run it locally, on a container, or on an external MongoDB provider such as The important thing is that you get the DB's URI to connect to it.
    1. Add your testing database URL in the .env file as in the example below. Make sure it's different from your production database.


How to Run the Test Suite

Run npm run test.

How to Add Tests

Adding Routes

Whenever a route is added, create a new spec file to test it in the tests directory. For example, if your new route is called users, then you should make a users.spec.js file.

Adding Endpoints

If you add an endpoint, make sure you add tests for it in the route's corresponding spec file.

Clean Up

If using a common DB shared between developers, ensure that your tests clear up the database after running every time. Use the afterAll jest function for this.

What You Should Test

Every endpoint should be thoroughly tested. Here are things to look for:

  1. CRUD Functionality

    • Create endpoints should test the successful creation of new entries.
    • Update should update (only) the specified fields and keep the untouched ones as they are.
    • Delete endpoint tests should delete and ensure the removal of the element from the DB.
    • Get (single element) endpoints should return the correct element.
    • List (get multiple elements) endpoints should return a list of elements or an empty array if nothing is found.
  2. Graceful Handling of Errors

    • Create endpoints should gracefully fail if there's an attempt to create an existing unique element.
    • Update should gracefully fail if the element being updated doesn't exist.
    • Delete endpoint should fail gracefully if the element to be removed can't be found.
    • Get (single element) endpoints should fail gracefully if the requested element can't be found.
  3. Edge Cases

  • Tests should include as many edge cases as possible.
  • Tests should handle unexpected payloads gracefully.

Frontend Testing

Setting up the Frontend Test Environment

Make sure you have Node.js installed

then: npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom jest jest-environment-jsdom @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react

The file package.json should be extended as follows: { "scripts": { // ... "test": "jest" } // ... "jest": { "testEnvironment": "jsdom" } }

We also need the file .babelrc with following content: { "presets": [ "@babel/preset-env", ["@babel/preset-react", { "runtime": "automatic" }] ] }

Writing Test

Create a test directory in your project or alongside your components and name your test files with the .test.js extension. For example, if your component is in src/components/Sidebar.js, create a test file named Sidebar.test.js

Running Test

Execute the following command:

npm test