
Express backend service for Rafart App - a centralized platform for musicians

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Rafart App Backend Service (WIP)


Rafart App is a showcase of web-based music projects. I am currently extending it to become a central hub for all my (or your) music activities. This will include:

  • Music player, downloads, and purchases
  • Fan portal with direct communication chat and exclusive content
  • Web-based music projects
  • Private file sharing for music collaborators
  • Patreon-style subscription


  • TypeScript
  • Node
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeORM
  • Redis
  • Stripe
  • Bcrypt
  • Passport
  • Nodemailer

How to Run Locally

This app is dockerized. To get up and running:

  1. Create a .env file and fill in the data.
  2. In the root foder install dependencies: yarn install
  3. Make sure you have Docker Engine installed and run the following in the root directory: docker compose up

This will set up a Node app for the API, a PostgreSQL DB, and a Redis instance.

Database migrations

The package.json file includes scripts to generate, show, and run postgres migrations with TypeORM. To run them

  1. Bash into your dockerized node API docker exec -ti <container_name> bash

  2. Running migration scripts

  • Show migrations yarn migration-show
  • Generate migration NAME=YourMigrationName yarn migration-gen
  • Run migrations yarn migration-run

The front end app currenty runs with lambdas, this express app will replace that infrastructure.

Inspect Database

Psql into db docker exec -ti <docker-container-name> psql -U admin pg-db-rafart

Architecture notes

The app follows an MVC model, with 4 main independent layers:

  • Routes: API endpoints
  • Use Cases: Business logic
  • Gateways: Layer that interacts with the database. All CRUD TypeORM methods go in here.
  • Entity: DB Models. No methods here, just PostgreSQL tables.

Other folders:

  • Helpers: Helper functions that combine different methods to simplify a task and can have side effects. For example: email sending, get files from S3.
  • Utility: Pure functions that do one task, like data mappers, formatters, calculation, date handling, calculations.



Tests run on a dockerized test environment separate from development.

  1. To run the test environment spin up the docker-compose.test.yaml containers running:

docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up

  1. Go into the test app container shell docker exec -ti <test_node_app_container_name> bash

For example: docker exec -ti rafart-api-test-rafart-1 bash

  1. Run tests inside container yarn test


The docker-compose.test.yml file doesn't have a volume for postgres (commented out). To reset the database completely, just run: docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down

Supertest notes

  • Supertest route tests don't need the docker environment set up, as supertest establishes the database connections and app independently.
  • Supertest is like a client based http request tool (ex: axios) but for api testing.