Laravel Development with Docker

This is a scaffolding for developing Laravel applications with Docker


Local Development Setup

  1. Install Docker Desktop
  2. Clone this repository to your new empty project directory.
  3. Create .env file from .env.example.
  4. Modify docker-compose.yml's database and myapp service names, as needed. Make sure they are unique, in case you are running multiple projects in Docker.
  5. Run application services in Docker
$ docker-compose up -d
  1. Enable User Authentication pages with VueJS (optional)
docker-compose exec myapp php artisan ui vue --auth

NOTE myapp service name depends on the changes made on Step 4.

  1. Install node dependencies
$ docker-compose exec myapp npm install
  1. Compile Frontend JS and CSS. Keep this command running in a window so that JS will auto-compile with changes in vue files.
$ docker-compose exec myapp npm run watch
  1. App should be running at http://localhost:3000

Running commands

To run commands inside the container:

$ docker-compose exec <app service-name> <command>

Where <app service-name> is the service name of the app defined in docker-compose.yml. In this project myapp is the app service name.

IMPORTANT: When running multiple Laravel projects in Docker, make sure their service names and ports are unique.

Helpful Commands

  • Installing a dependency by Composer
$ docker-compose exec myapp composer require <package-name>
  • Applying new .env variables
docker-compose exec myapp php artisan config:clear
  • After installing a new depenency, run the following command for package re-discovery
$ docker-compose exec myapp composer dump-autoload
  • Restart the app service.
$ docker-compose restart myapp
  • Stopping the all running services.
$ docker-compose stop

Updating Docker Images

  • From time to time, docker image used as base for Laravel will be updated.
  • To update the docker image, run the following
$ docker pull
$ docker-compose restart myapp

Future Enhancements