

Company Logo

Company information

Why participate in an Octernship with COMPANY-NAME

Octernship role description

Recommended qualifications


To participate, you must be:

  • A verified student on Global Campus

  • 18 years or older

  • Active contributor on GitHub (monthly)



Task instructions 📝

Task Expectations 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Task submission

Students are expected to use the GitHub Flow when working on their project.

  • Create a new branch
  • Making changes on the new branch
  • Create a new Pull Request from new branch -> main
  • Merge the PR changes into main branch on or before the assignment deadline.
  • Use GitHub Discussions to ask any relevant questions regarding the project

Heads up 🚨

  • The auto-generated feedback branch and feedback PR by classroom bot is not for submission, this PR may be used by maintainers to provide you feedback on your work.
  • Public Pull Requests are not accepted for GitHub Octernships. Apply via the official Octernships dashboard.

Resources 📚