
@francisfuzz's digital journal for Smart Interface Design Patterns

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Smart Interface Design Patterns Journal

This is @francisfuzz's journal documenting everything he's learning in the Smart Interface Design Patterns course taught by the one and only @vitalyf.

It is open source under the MIT license and is Francis' way of learning in public for any curious visitor to learn more about what he's learning. Previously, Francis kept learnings to himself rather than sharing and is trying something different.

Because this course is a paid course, he will refrain from copying over those contents into the learnings and instead focus on outlining his open questions and digging deeper into his own case studies per area. Consider checking out the course's Free Previews if you want to learn more about what this course is all about!

He'll continue posting updates until he's finished with the course. He's not looking for any contributions at this time, but if that changes, he'll come back to revise this very sentence with an update. 😉

Built with

This portfolio is built with Next.js and a library called Nextra. It allows you to write Markdown and focus on the content of your portfolio. This starter includes:

  • Automatically configured to handle Markdown/MDX
  • Generates an RSS feed based on your posts
  • A beautiful theme included out of the box
  • Easily categorize posts with tags
  • Fast, optimized web font loading


  1. Update your name in theme.config.js or change the footer.
  2. Update your name and site URL for the RSS feed in scripts/gen-rss.js.
  3. Update the meta tags in pages/_document.js.
  4. Update the posts inside pages/posts/*.md with your own content.

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example blog my-blog
# or
yarn create next-app --example blog my-blog

Deploy it to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).