
Templates for Fable projects maintained by fable-compiler org

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Open in Gitpod

Templates for Fable projects maintained by fable-compiler org

Quick install

To create a new minimal Fable project:

dotnet new -i Fable.Template
dotnet new fable -n <name-of-your-project>

List of templates

Name Short Name Description
Fable.Template fable Small Fable app project, with the only dependency on Fable.Browser.Dom

How to test the template before publishing?

  1. Package the template by running dotnet pack -c Release minimal/Fable.Template.proj

  2. Install the new version of the template: dotnet new i minimal/bin/Release/Fable.Template.x.y.z.nupkg

  3. Create the template: dotnet new fable -n <name-of-your-project>.

    If you are using gitpod to contribute, add --gitpod at the end

  4. cd <name-of-your-project>

  5. Follow the instructions from the README.md of the installed template

Maintainer notes


  • Your NuGet API key set in NUGET_KEY variable.

Procedure to publish a new version

To publish a new version of the template you need to:

  1. Update the changelog of the template you want to publish
  2. Run dotnet tool restore
  3. Run dotnet fake build -t Release

Gitpod condition

In the webpack.config.js, we are adding things like:

//#if( gitpod )
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
var isGitPod = process.env.GITPOD_INSTANCE_ID !== undefined;

function getDevServerUrl() {
    if (isGitPod) {
        const url = execSync('gp url 8080');
        return url.toString().trim();
    } else {
        return `http://localhost:${CONFIG.devServerPort}`;

The code between //#if( gitpod ) and //#endif is not included in the generated template. It's here so people can use Gitpod to contribute to this repository.