A kitaabua-french dictionary project with firebase firestore as database.
This is a project to create a dictionary for the kitaabua language. The dictionary will be in French and Kitaabua. The project is based on firebase firestore as database. It will have a client side and an admin side. The client side will only view data and the admin side will be able to add, modify, delete or hide.
The user will have to login to access the admin side. The login will be done with firebase authentication. The user will be able to add, modify, delete or hide data. The user will also be able to add a new user.
The client side will be accessible to everyone. The user will be able to search for a word in the dictionary. The user will be able to see the word in Kitaabua and French. The user will also be able to see the word in a sentence.
- The data will be stored in the cloud and will be accessible from anywhere.
- After the first connection, the data will be stored locally and will be accessible offline.
- The data will be synchronized automatically when the user is online.