
How To Connect Multiple Remotes To Your 42 Project To Backup Your Projects

How To Connect GitHub To Your 42 Project As A Backup

This tutorial for 42 students explains how to automatically backup your projects on GitHub

If you have a local repository for a project that you simultaneously want to push to the Vogsphere and your GitHub account as a backup or for access from home, here's how to do it:

Set Up Your GitHub Account

Create a GitHub account and connect it with your 42 machine by adding your SSH key to your account (the same SSH key that you used for connecting to the Vogsphere).

Connect Your Local Repository With GitHub

Let's use the local repo "libft" as an example:

  1. Go to your local repository "libft" that is already connected to the Vogsphere in the Terminal
  2. Check, if it is correctly connected to the Vogsphere:
git remote -v

It should output something like this:

origin	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (fetch)
origin	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (push)
  1. Go to www.github.com/new and create a new private repository called "libft"
  2. After creating the repository, at "Quick Setup" select "SSH" and copy the repository URL

Mine for example looks like this: git@github.com:francisrafal/libft.git

  1. Go to your terminal and in your "libft" directory, create a new remote called "all" that will be connected both to Vogsphere and GitHub
git remote add all <your Vogsphere repository URL, i.e. git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal>
git remote set-url --add all <your GitHub repository URL, i.e. git@github.com:francisrafal/libft.git>
  1. Check if you are successfully connected to both remotes.
git remote -v

This should now look similar to this:

all	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (fetch)
all	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (push)
all	git@github.com:francisrafal/libft.git (push)
origin	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (fetch)
origin	git@vogsphere.42vienna.com:vogsphere/intra-uuid-f9895b4d-8fbe-4e62-8d1a-08a586f54a12-4462508-frafal (push)
  1. You can now always push to both remotes to backup your project and have access to it from home:
git push all

Common Problems When Accessing From Home:

From @hu8813: I got errors at home while trying to clone using ssh, but after creating these folders it worked fine:

mkdir $HOME/.ssh/sockets
mkdir $HOME/.ssh/.tmp_session

and for testing if it works:

ssh -T  git@github.com


Write me on Discord: Francis Rafal#1334